What time should classes be?
Crossroadses - Choices We Make - this class is using some classic stories as launching-off points for discussing important choices people like us have to make - like, hoe much should I care what other people think? How much do I compromise what I need for what others need? If I may say so, this class is gonna be really good. Here’s the link.
Parsha - looking at the weekly Torah reading, with a mind toward understanding the stories on a more mature level. Here’s the link.
Timely Topix - a few ideas came out yesterday that I don’t think I could teach on for a semester, but shorter blocks would be really useful. These will include - forgiveness/repentance, artificial intelligence and Jewish law, development of jewish law, who’s who of the rabbis, some practical halacha issues, and the like. Here’s the link!
Love and Joy - at the end, it came out that it might be enjoyable to learn some Jewish views on love and joy -what they are, how to get them, how to keep them. Here’s the link.
A special, 3-part class with the esteemed Professor Jeremy England. He’s been doing some incredible work on the origins of life. He’ll be offering a class called "God is Smarter than You Are: True things we can know that science can't teach us.” The link is here.
Talmud - Avodah Zarah - This is an intermediate + class - some level of familiarity with learning talmud. The tractate AZ is about idol worship, but its really about how jews survive in exile. Here’s the doodle.
Talmud - Sanhedrin - as above. This tractate is about how justice is served in the Jewish system. Deals with things like courts, death penalty, and other sundries. Here’s the doodle.
And, lastly, there was a suggestion about learning about fringe Jewish groups - Keraites, Jews for Jesus (l’havdil), Gerers, Carlebachers, and the like. This could be really fun. Here’s the link.