The Orthodox Minyan holds services throughout the semester on Friday evenings at 6:00 or 6:30pm and Saturday mornings at 9:15am or 9:30am (depending on day light savings, check with the gabbaim) in W11, as well as during Jewish holidays. Our Shabbat services are student led, including our weekly dvar torahs, and a delicious kiddush is sponsored by the minyan each week. We also have a daily minyan, please contact the gabbaim for details.

Combined with our regular services and strong member involvement, we come together to form a tight-knit community. Every individual is encouraged to contribute to the community with their unique skills and talents, and conversely anyone who needs help can find it.   Outside of services, the Orthodox minyan hosts Shabbat meals, Purim parties, and other Orthodox social events.  

We are also proud that the MIT kosher servery– fully integrated into MIT dining and the cafeteria– and other kosher suites and living groups around MIT provide students among the best kosher options of any university setting.

MIT Hillel’s Orthodox Educator teaches three classes/week, and is available for 1:1 learning and questions, hashkafic or halachic.

If you have any questions about the Orthodox Minyan or Orthodox life on campus, please email our gabbais at  

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