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Student Leadership

MIT Hillel is committed to cultivating student leaders who will impact both the Jewish and broader MIT community. There are formal opportunities for leadership through the student board and internships as well as informal opportunities through the Jewish Programming Grant which allows students to plan their own events and initiatives.

  • Hillel student board organizes weekly programming, hones leadership skills, and is a great way to be involved in Jewish life. The most updated copy of the MIT Hillel student group constitution is...
  • The graduate student board is made up of volunteers from the GradHillel community and organizes all of our awesome events. If you'd like to join the board or have an idea for a new program, please...
  • Check out our updated guide for JIYs! ~~~~~ Hillel’s goal is not necessarily that you come to Hillel. Hillel’s goal is that you have satisfying Jewish experiences while you are here at MIT. That...
  • MIT Hillel designates a budget each year to provide scholarships for students who wish to participate in Jewish social justice (examples: Alternative Breaks, Hazon Food Conference) Jewish learning (...

MIT Hillel

Phone: 617-253-2982

MIT Hillel
Muriel and Norman B. Leventhal
Center for Jewish Life

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
40 Massachusetts Ave, Building W11
Cambridge, MA 02139

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