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Prospective Students

Welcome to MIT Hillel!

MIT Hillel works with a diverse Jewish student body to create opportunities for Jewish expression and observance. Our community might be a good fit for you if you enjoy spending time with Jews of different backgrounds, you like to shape your community, or you are looking for a home away from home.

If you are interested in MIT, we encourage you to visit! Stay in the dormitories, attend an array of different classes/labs, take a campus tour, socialize with students, and visit Hillel to experience Jewish life on campus. Hillel can arrange for prospective students to stay with a Jewish student whose interests and/or observance are similar.

Where do Jews live? Most MIT undergraduate students live in campus dormitories or in MIT independent living groups. There are kosher living groups in several dormitories. Graduate students live both on and off campus.

When MIT sponsors "Campus Preview Weekend" in early April, Hillel sponsors several programs and meals. If you would like a Jewish host during your CPW visit, contact Hillel. If you are unable to come to CPW, Hillel is pleased to host accepted students on other dates during February, March, and April.

To make arrangements please e-mail or call us at (617) 253-2982. If you keep kosher or are Shabbat observant, let us know in your email. 


  • FAQ

    Q: How many Jewish students are there on campus?  A: Jews comprise about 6% of the student body at MIT, accounting for about 275 undergrads and 500 graduates. Q: How do students get involved with...

MIT Hillel

Phone: 617-253-2982

MIT Hillel
Muriel and Norman B. Leventhal
Center for Jewish Life

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
40 Massachusetts Ave, Building W11
Cambridge, MA 02139

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