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Jewish Life and Learning

Students at MIT come from diverse Jewish backgrounds. MIT and Hillel provide a sound structure for the variety of needs that students arrive with: Kosher dining, Shabbat and Holiday services, living situations that are tailored to those with an observant lifestyle, Torah classes, and much more. While we certainly offer services for students who already identify as Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform, we support each student’s Jewish journey toward exploring and understanding how they can individually connect to Jewish life. Through classes, services, discussions, one-on-one meetings, inter-faith gatherings, field trips and cultural events, we continuously attempt to evoke the important questions our students might want to consider in order to become more self-aware as Jews. The results are often astounding.

  • Our regular services and communal life make us the most active religious group on campus. Combined with our relatively small numbers, we come together to form a tight-knit community. Every individual...
  • The Jewish calendar marks special times of the week, month, and year, and our calendar includes a uniquely ‘MIT’ take on Jewish holidays. Alongside traditional services and meals for Shabbat and...
  • Kosher Dining at MIT In September 2011, MIT opened Maseeh Hall as a new undergraduate dormitory, with housing space for over 400 undergraduates and a first-ever all-you-care-to-eat dining hall/...
  • MIT Hillel's Judaic Library, located in the MIT Religious Activities Center, collects Judaic references and Jewish books to serve the needs of the MIT Hillel community. MIT Hillel's Judaic Library ...
  • By the time a student leaves MIT, they should know everything they can about their particular course. And they should also know everything they can about themselves. For many of MIT’s Jewish students...

MIT Hillel

Phone: 617-253-2982

MIT Hillel
Muriel and Norman B. Leventhal
Center for Jewish Life

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
40 Massachusetts Ave, Building W11
Cambridge, MA 02139

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