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Register in advance to get access to the free streaming services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur powered by Hillel and Reboot. There will be three different options: a Reform style service, a Conservative style service, and alternative explorations of the themes of the day.


Thanks a Bajillion

Sunday September 20th at 2 pm

Gratitude is the ultimate Jewish value. During this alternative service option, we'll watch a clip from author A.J. Jacobs on his quest to thank 1,000 people who had even the smallest role in making his cup of morning coffee. Then we'll discuss: How can radical gratitude keep us sane during stressful times? Please register in advance in order to receive the link.

MIT Hillel

Phone: 617-253-2982

MIT Hillel
Muriel and Norman B. Leventhal
Center for Jewish Life

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
40 Massachusetts Ave, Building W11
Cambridge, MA 02139

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