Rabbi Michelle Fisher
Executive Director
Rabbi Fisher is the first alumna rabbi from MIT, and describes her return to MIT in 2009 as "the mother ship calling her home." Rabbi Fisher earned her undergraduate degree, in chemistry, from Princeton University, and her Masters in Chemistry from MIT. Ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary, she has served as the Associate Rabbi of Congregation Har Shalom in Potomac, MD and the Rabbi of Congregation B'nai Shalom in Walnut Creek, CA. She is an alumna of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship, a veteran of the US Naval Chaplain Corps, and a former student at both the Pardes Institute and the Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. She enjoys fantasy and science fiction, cycling (and unicycling), oenology, exploring the nexus of science and religion, and, especially, meeting with students, faculty, and alumni. In 2014, Rabbi Fisher was awarded Hillel International's highest individual award, the Richard M. Joel Exemplar of Excellence Award.
Rabbi Fisher's HillelTalk at Hillel International Global Assembly, on self-care (December 2017)
MIT Hillel interview (2009) with Rabbi Fisher