In September 2011, MIT opened Maseeh Hall as a new undergraduate dormitory, with housing space for over 400 undergraduates and a first-ever all-you-care-to-eat dining hall/dining plan, including a kosher station. This full, integrated kosher meal option was an historic development for the MIT Jewish community.
Students living in certain dormitories are required to purchase a meal plan; any MIT student living in other MIT dorms or living groups may also choose to purchase an MIT meal plan. At each meal, students can choose any of the cafeteria food options in Howard Dining of Maseeh Hall, including from the kosher servery. With 24 hours advance notice, kosher meals can be delivered to any other House with a dining hall.
Some students choose to split their dining options between meal plans and suite-living with their own kitchens. MIT offers kosher suites, which have become a hub of Jewish activity (and eating), even for those living elsewhere on campus. Incoming first-year students interested in living in Maseeh Hall or in a kosher suite must request it on their room request form, fill out a supplementary housing form with MIT requesting kosher living, and inform Hillel that they want a kosher living option.
Non Meal Plan Pricing and Hours
Lunch- $17.00, 11am-3pm
Dinner- $19.95, 5pm-9pm
Shabbat and Holiday Meals
MIT’s Kosher Dining provides Shabbat and holiday dinners during the academic year at Hillel in the Religious Activities Center, MIT Building W11. Holiday meal times vary by season.
September and mid-spring onwards: Conservative and Orthodox Shabbat services will start at 6:30pm with dinner at 7:30pm.
October through mid-spring: Conservative and Orthodox Shabbat services will start at 6:00pm with dinner at 7:00pm.
Saturday lunch is generally held at 1:00 pm.
Reservations are required for all holiday meals.
Dinner- Free for MIT students, $19.95 for their guests
Lunch- $17.00
These meals are part of the MIT meal plan and can also be paid for by TechCash. Students on a dining meal plan may use a meal swipe for meals as permitted by your particular plan. Students and their guests not on a dining meal plan must have funds on a TechCash account.
Visit this site to add money to your TechCash account.
MIT’s kosher meat kitchen is under the supervision of the Vaad Harabonim of Massachusetts.